Youth Ministry

HOAP Youth Ministry seeks to help teens, with the support of their families, grow their faith in God and their love of Christ, the Catholic Church, and the Holy Apostles parish. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00–8:30pm September through May. Each evening, we Gather, Proclaim, Break, and Send—just like in Mass. Our emphasis is Faith, Hope, Love, and Evangelization. Throughout the school year and summer there are other various activities for the youth to engage in, including Teen Mass Sunday at 6PM followed by a gathering for high schoolers.

The Ministry has chosen to use the Life Teen ministry program, a Catholic youth ministry based in the United States and adopted in approximately 1,800 parishes in 24 countries in North, Central and South America, and in Europe, Asia and Africa. It is well known for well-developed lesson plans and training programs rooted in the Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  

We are finalizing plans for the 2024–25 school year programs! Please make sure that you are signed up for and receiving our weekly newsletter. That is our primary source for communication with our parents, guardians, and teens. If you have previously signed up and are still not receiving it, please check your junk or spam folders.

Registration for the 2024–2025 school year HERE

Read the most recent HOAP newsletter HERE
Subscribe to the newsletter to get all the latest HOAP news right to your inbox!

HOAP email list

Middle School

Middle School (6th–8th grades): The Life Teen Edge program materials are designed specifically to appeal to young teens. Our Middle Schoolers meet in the dining room as a large group and then are divided into smaller groups by gender and age for in-depth discuss lead by a CORE team member.

Calley Anne Haws, Ministry Director,  
Katie Pieplow, Coordinator,

High School

High School (9th–12th grades): The Life Teen program materials are intended for the older, more mature young person. High School meets in the gym. Similar to middle school, or teens our divided into smaller groups by gender and age to further discuss the topics of the evening. Discussions are facilitated and monitored by a safe environment certified CORE team member at all times. But the discussions are driven by teen participation.  

Calley Anne Haws, Ministry Director,  
Katie Pieplow, Coordinator,


Confirmation: We believe receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation is an important milestone in a young person’s spiritual life. We offer a challenging preparation based upon the guidelines established by the Diocese of Boise and using a variety of established resources. 

If you have a high school aged teen interested in participating in the Sacrament of Confirmation next school year, here's what you need to know:

  • Confirmand must be active in HOAP YOUtH. This means you will also need to be registered and ACTIVE in HOAP YOUtH or other church ministries to meet the requirement.
  • Cost is $50 (this is in addition to normal youth ministry fees)
  • We will have a Fall semester and Spring semester to choose from with a Retreat and Sacrament Mass in Spring of 2025 for both groups.
  • Class times are in the afternoon on the 1st Sunday of the month,1pm–3pm
  • Fall Semester will run October thru December — class dates are Oct 6, Nov 3, and Dec 1
  • Spring Semester will run January thru March — class dates are Jan 5, Feb 2, and Mar 2.
  • Both semesters will attend a retreat the weekend of April 6th
  • Confirmation is in May (TBD).
  • Confirmand must be in 9th–12th grade
  • Confirmand must be in good standing with Holy Apostles, which entails actively attending Mass, service to your church or community, Baptized in the Catholic Church, and at least one reconciliation within the past year.
  • HOAP YOUtH uses the Ascension Press 'Chosen' program for a combination of online and in-person enrichment. This allows more flexibility for our students while still providing them with the necessary formation to confidently make this Sacramental decision. For more information on how this works, please get in touch with our office.
  • Per Diocese guidelines, HOAP YOUtH runs a 4-month Confirmation program culminating in a one-day retreat and the Sacrament of Confirmation in May (Date TBA).
  • If our program does not meet the needs of your family, you must obtain a release from our parish to present to another parish to be accepted into their program. This is supported by all the other local parishes. It is suggested that you contact us and try to find accommodations before looking into other parish programs. Thank you.

Registration is open for Fall '24 and Spring '25 classes HERE



Holy Apostles Youth Ministry is now HOAP YOUTH!


